Print Techniques - What is Drypoint?
About Drypoint
Example of drypoint from Panjim Vibes Collection
Drypoint is an intaglio printmaking method that involves scratching an image into a plate with a hard-pointed needle tool of sharp metal or diamond point tool. These lines create a burr that holds ink that creates sharp lines with fuzzy, velvety edges.
The inking process allows the ink to fill the incised lines and clings to the burr. Damp paper is placed on the plate and run through a press, picking up the ink from the incised lines and the burr, resulting in a characteristically fuzzy line.
Intaglio printmaking is a process where the sunken areas of the plate print rather than the raised areas. It is a great technique that takes drawing easily into printmaking and easier that etching as requires no chemicals or acids. Drypoint plates can be made in copper, zinc, enviromount, mirror card and Plexiglas.